January 9, 2018 Anthony Fedorov O Holy Night! January 9, 2018 Anthony Fedorov O Holy Night by Anthony Fedorov and J2 -- The Iconic Series
January 22, 2017 Anthony Fedorov We did it!! (Calling On You update) January 22, 2017 Anthony Fedorov WE DID IT! Our “Calling On You” album is now fully funded and recording starts in days!
December 20, 2016 Jason Niedle Help Kickstart "Calling On You"! December 20, 2016 Jason Niedle I'm calling on you to help bring my new album to life!! Let's make a better world through music! >
December 1, 2016 Jason Niedle "Breaking Free," benefiting NEGU, released December 1, 2016 Jason Niedle Anthony Fedorov's single "Breaking Free" was released to benefit NEGU (The Jessie Rees Foundation).
October 21, 2016 Jason Niedle Mama Bares release "So What!" October 21, 2016 Jason Niedle Mama Bares releases "So What!" written by Anthony Fedorov,
September 1, 2016 Jason Niedle "Strong is Who You Are" featured in Pink & Blue: Colors of Hereditary Cancer September 1, 2016 Jason Niedle Anthony Fedorov's song "Strong is Who You Are" was featured in the new, award-winning documentary Pink & Blue: Colors of Hereditary Cancer....